State Leadership Conf.


SkillsUSA Missouri’s State Leadership and Skills Conference allows you to experience thousands of career and technical education students, from high schools and colleges across our state, proving they’re ready for jobs in manufacturing, transportation, construction, hospitality and human services. SkillsUSA is considered a talent pipeline and a vital solution to the demand for a skilled workforce. Jobs are available right here in our state; they are waiting for people with the necessary skills. Those people are graduating from career and technical education (CTE) programs. CTE is learning that works for America. What sets our students apart is the integration of workplace and personal skills in combination with their technical skills grounded in academics. SkillsUSA is an integral component of CTE.

What is it?

Join SkillsUSA Missouri for this year’s high-quality, impactful, and high energy State Leadership and Skills Conference! SLSC will give you an opportunity to showcase your skills as a future member of the workforce and a SkillsUSA Leader. This event is open to ALL SkillsUSA members. Ask your advisor how to attend!


April 10 – 12, 2025




Coming soon

The clothing requirements for this year’s State Leadership & Skills Conference has been updated.  Please view THIS DOCUMENT to find acceptable substitute attire for SLSC.

SkillsUSA Missouri will make every attempt to accommodate all students and their needs based on a documented disability as long as it does not compromise the integrity of a competitive event.

Please complete THIS FORM to request a special accommodation. A new form should be completed for each contest a student is registered in.

Courtesy Corps is about working together with others to accomplish a common goal. For SkillsUSA it’s about working as a team member to produce a flawless State and National Conference.

At the State Leadership and Skills Conference, it’s about assisting with work station setup at the contest site, assisting people to get where they need to be without delay, delivering meals to contest sites, and running errands. It’s also about showing people you are having fun while getting your job done. We do have fun as well as work hard. Courtesy Corps are always the first to arrive and the last to leave.

The reward for doing an outstanding job at the Missouri State Conference is to be picked to attend the National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, GA, in June. This is an honor as all expenses are paid for you, including airfare, room, and meals. As a part of the national courtesy team, you will be assigned different tasks each day. These jobs have a wide range of duties: setting up, moving, taking down, guarding, or just waiting for the next duty. There are also many extra perks to the Courtesy Corps including seeing the 1 million sq. ft. of space be filled with equipment and exhibits for SkillsUSA contests, receiving free stuff, and attending evening functions with other SkillsUSA members from all over the nation. You will return home with much more than you came with, including new friendships and lifelong memories.

New packet coming soon.

Join us Friday, March 31 at Lincoln University from 8-10 pm!  This event will be held at Lincoln University, Scruggs University Center 819 Chestnut, Jefferson City.  Please view the map for parking information prior to your arrival. There will be a Hypnotist show starting at 8:00 pm, Bowling, Taco Bar and more! 

SkillsUSA is a student-led organization whose student members are charged with the responsibility of governing the affairs associated with the organization bylaws. The SkillsUSA Delegate Program engages chapter-identified delegates to represent their respective chapters in introducing, debating, modifying and voting on delegate items that may include organization bylaws, ad hoc committees and the SkillsUSA state officer elections.

A delegate program is one of the best ways to uphold SkillsUSA as a student-led organization. Students are able to learn the program outcomes and take that back to their chapters to show how a student voice is crucial not only at the local level, but at the state and national level too. 
Don’t forget to register your chapter leaders/officers for SLSC to serve as delegates to represent your chapters!

The program will be facilitated by former SkillsUSA Missouri state officers and current officers as available.

Delegate Schedule – Tentative

Thursday, Mar 30, 2023

1:30-2:00 pm – Delegate Check-In

2:00-3:30 pm – Delegate Training Session #1

Friday, Mar 31, 2023

8:00-9:00 am – Delegate Training Session #2

9:00-11:45 am – Ad Hoc Committees

11:45 am-1:00 pm – Lunch

1:00-2:00 pm – Meet the Candidates

2:00-3:30 pm – Annual Business Meeting and State Officer Voting

What is the new candidate program?

This year SkillsUSA Missouri is implementing a new delegate program from the national office. The SkillsUSA Delegate Program engages chapter-identified delegates to represent their respective chapters in introducing, debating, modifying and voting on delegate items that may include organization bylaws, ad hoc committees and the SkillsUSA state officer elections.

Who can be a delegate?

A delegate must be a paid, registered member by the national deadline. You must also be a paid, registered SLSC attendee. Delegates can also be competitors, but schedules should not conflict for the most beneficial experience. State officer candidates may also serve as delegates and vote but must not be seated in the House of Delegates meetings during campaign speeches and problematic questions. Please contact Christy McElwain for more information.

What are the Ad Hoc Committees?

This year we will have three committees. Delegates will be divided into the following committees:

  • Fall Leadership Conference- Delegates will ideate how the Fall Leadership Conference in Missouri can develop robust SkillsUSA Framework skills in members and ensure we are growing because individual members are growing.
  • State Leadership and Skills Conference- Delegates will discuss what they envision for the future of SLSC in Missouri. They will brainstorm how to help all members in your state have access to a deeply impactful event that develops members to be job-ready, builds connections with business and industry partners, and connects with members’ families during the event.
  • Member communication and Social Media- Delegates will give recommendations about how, when, and what to best communicate with former, current, and potential members. This session will gather information from the heart of our association about what information they desire to have and how they will receive it. They will also brainstorm solutions as to how we can maximize the potential of social media platforms. The recommendations could provide solutions for sharing up-to-date, desired, and relevant information with all association stakeholders.